μBricks® – Microengineering and Management Consulting
uBricks Research is a Microengineering and Management Consulting firm offering μBricks® Consulting Services, a suite of engineering and advisory services for the microsystems, microelectronics, sensors and device packaging communities. We support all aspects of technology and product development using a centrally managed global innovation network of over 3000 scientists, engineers and management professionals to offer timely solutions to the most pressing technical and business challenges facing product development teams pursuing heterogeneous integration.
We are developers of Microbricks™, a proprietary package-centric modular technology for microsystems integration and heterogeneous complexity buildup that we make available to our engineering clients.
Tags: MEMS, Microbricks™, Microengineering, Microsystems, Modularization, MST, Package-centric, uBricks Research, µBricks®